1. What is Gamers’ Command Mission Statement
Gamers’ Command Mission is to unite the gaming community.
To provide a space that caters to and celebrates the nerd culture.
2. What is Gamers’ Command Vision Statement
To establish Gamers’ Command as the premier place to play and buy games.
3. Where are you located?
We are located at 2130 W Brandon Blvd, Suite 201, Brandon, Florida 33511
4. What stands you apart from other LGS locations?
We aren’t all that interested in competing with other local gaming stores truth be told. They are creating safe play spaces for everyone and we love that. What we would like to do differently is focus on the social part of gaming. Less on the tournaments (not that we won’t have them, we will). We want our guests to enjoy live streams and not just watching, but participating as well.